Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Dream

For the past two nights I have been having the same exact dream. I don't know if it's my insomnia messing with me or the fact that I've gone to bed every night for the past three week at 2 am but its been pretty weird having this dream. 

Fair warning some details are blurry and I am still not 100% sure if this is my dream or something I have compiled in my brain from all the books I've been reading at once.

So here goes: 

As usual I go to sleep, once I've fallen into this deep sleep I find myself in a grocery store. It kind of looks like Target because it's all red and white but I'm not sure. So inside this store I am being told by a person who seems to be my supervisor (ps I work at said store in my dream) to show a young man where to find these veggie burgers names Westfield. I have no idea why hes looking for these burgers in particular but I remember when I, in real life, was a pescatarian, the veggie burgers I would eat were from some brand that had a name like that. So that's how that connects. Moving on, within the dream I walk him towards the burgers and he's attempting to talk to me and we're just having this conversation. As soon as we get to the fridge in area where they are I point and tell him to have a nice day. Before I leave he tells me to wait up and that he'd like to see me again. (this is something that is so impossible it makes me laugh) Right when we're about to exchange numbers this group of people that I'm guessing are his friends come up to him and this one girl in particular kisses him on the cheek. He looks at me as if he's apologizing, I nod, and then walk away. And then I hear someone call my name, as I go to turn I WAKE UP!!! 

This is how I feel when I wake up: 

It has happened for the past two days, even during my naps I have this dream. Plus this isnt the first time I have this dream, I've been having it reoccurring for the last three and half years. I really wish it was real. I've decided that I might write my own ending to this dream someday. But until then I'll just keep hoping that one day that will actually happen to me, 

I hope you are all doing well. Emotionally I am doing much better because I have confronted a couple of the things that were bothering me. It's been a good couple days since my last post. But anyway how have you been? Any weird dreams like this? Let me know! Stay amazing. xx. 

- Brooklyn Rubi 

Music Recommendation of the Day: 
Name: The Middle 
Artist: Jimmy Eat World 
Album: Bleed American
Why: It's just helped me a lot this week. Also this lyric, " It's only in your head you feel 
left out or looked down on." I'm really hoping that lyric is proven true soon. 

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