First off sorry for the lack of postage in the last couple days I was intensely distracted by some of the cutest kids in the world, my nieces and nephew! They are the children of my two older sisters and, in order of age from youngest to oldest, names Zoe, Francheska, Yumi, and Aramis.
Zoe is the youngest and only 4 years old. But don't let her age fool you, she's a fire cracker of joy and loves to have a cuddle with you just for the comfort. She also out of the four, although the youngest, is the first to argue back if she feels something isnt right or if she just doesn't agree with you.
Zoe and I, she was focused on Space Jam and I was focused on my story on SnapChat.
Next up is Francheska. She's 6 years old and out of the four the one that is most likely to be the reason I have a headache at the end of the day. She's learning to share and what family is and I just don't understand some of the things she does. For example, on the 4th of July we all were watching the fireworks and she got cold so naturally I gave her my cardigan. Then her sister, Yumi, got cold and I told them to share it and instead of sharing it she threw a tantrum, got herself put on timeout and yelled at by me. I just don't understand how she can treat her older sister like that. I mean all siblings bicker but at the end of the say you still share with them and care for them, and she seems to lack that sympathy. She's a work in progress to say the least and I hope that throughout the summer she begins to notice what's really important and what isn't as much.
From left to right, Francheska, Zoe, and I. their funny faces are much better than mine.
Moving on! Yumi, the oldest out of the girls, is 7 years old and the most mature little nugget I know. On June 29th it was her birthday and I asked her what she wanted, her first answer was nothing and then she said that all she really wanted to do was move homes since she doesn't get have her own room where she lives now. She has a sensitive soul and loves to help. She enjoys swimming and making kissy faces at animals when she sees them. I cannot wait to see her grow up and see what great things she does.
Here we have Yumi, she was dying to get back in the pool but she knew she had to wait so sat with me!
Last but not least, Aramis! Hes 10 years old and in reality not really my nephew. My sister got married to his dad about 5 years ago and since then I have created a bond with this little one like no other. Last night he kept me up till past midnight watching baseball movies and telling me about how excited he was for his baseball game on Monday. He is so responsible and tries really hard to make sure everything and everyone around him are okay. He is truly one of my favorite people to be with.
Here we have Aramis and I, once again he's focused on the movie! Just like his sister!
Well these 4 munchkins are what have kept me busy since my last post and until I return to the dreaded work week that is ahead of me. They make my days much brighter and make me want to be the best version of me just for them.
Here are some pictures of our weekend:
Post Pool Selfie!
Movie Night!
How was your weekend? Any tiny people take over or become tiny terrors? Let me know! Also are there any aunts out there! I am still pretty new to being an aunt and maybe swapping tips would help! Thanks. xx.
- Brooklyn Rubi
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